You Want to Quit Smoking? Use This Herb and Destroy Your Desire for Nicotine

Smoking is destructive for the wellbeing. We are all mindful of this, yet for some it is truly hard to get out from under this propensity. Nicotine causes fast increment of the pulse and genuine harm to the lungs. In addition, regardless of the fact that you quit smoking, the impact of nicotine will keep going for a considerable length of time.

One of the main components of the cigarettes, nicotine, is highly addictive and toxic drug.  Due to the nicotine, cigarettes are causing high blood pressure, as well as big damage to the lungs and even when the smokers quit, the aftereffects of nicotine are lasting for years. And since the nicotine is still in the body, it will force the individual to consume it even more through other sources.

According to a recent German study, Stevia is one promising herb for quitting both cigarettes and alcohol. This plant belongs to the chrysanthemum family, which originates from Paraguay. Although widely used as a sweetener it offers many additional health benefits.

Stevia inhibits the cravings and the signals the brain sends.

If you are willing to quit smoking you should consume several drops of Stevia every day. If you ever experience a craving stroke, put some drops directly on the tongue and the craving for taking a cigarette will disappear instantly.

Stevia can be consumed both in the form liquid and powder. You can find it in the supermarkets and food stores.

Some of its health benefits are : effective treatment of diabetes, hypertension and  obesity.  It can also tighten and nourish the skin, as well as treat dermatitis and acne.

There is also the possibility to grow stevia at your own home in the following way:

Stevia plant can’t survive in cold temperature, so if you want to grow stevia in your home make sure the temperature is warm and the place has enough sunlight.

  • Plant the Stevia root in 12-inch containers, with high-quality potting mix. Expose it to direct sunlight and water it regularly when the soil is dry.
  • Make sure your stevia has about 18 inches of space in a well-drained, loose and loamy soil. In these conditions, it will grow 1 to 3 feet in height. Mulch the plant in order to prevent it from drying during the summer. Make sure you do not use a soggy soil and it has a proper drainage. If the plant wilts, it may have been attacked by insects of the roots is rotten.
  • Trim the flowers in autumn in order to stimulate the growth of new leaves and promote blooms. Its flowers are white, but if you want to stimulate more leaves, clip off its blooms. In fact, the leaves are the sweetest in autumn, before Stevia starts blooming.
  • Dry the plucked leaves in order to use them longer. Cut whole stems and strip the leaves and tender stem tips. Place them on non-metal or woven fabric surface and dry them in the sun.
  • For drying the leaves, you will need only one day and then place them in a container. Crush the leaves into a powder. Store the powder in an airtight container. You can use the powder to sweeten your foods and beverages.

Via Healthy Food House | Baby-Kids-Parents | Non-Stop Healthy

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