4 Ancient Japanese Secrets For Staying Slim And Healthy!

There are several things that we all consider to be the key to a long and healthy life: following a healthy diet, drinking sufficient amounts of water and exercising on a regular basis. However, in every culture there are various rules and tips on hot to be healthy. In Japan there are these 4 basic rules for a healthy life:

  1. If You Eat Like a Sumo Wrestler, You Will Look Like a Sumo Wrestler

The meals of Sumo wrestlers are not very usual. They skip breakfast since they start their intensive training immediately after waking up and then they have two enormous meals for lunch in the afternoon after which they go to bed.

In other words no matter how much you exercise,  if you eat a lot, you are going to gain weight. Basically, if you eat large portions or consume junk food, this will prevail over the time you work out.  So the rule is to  make sure you eat balanced diet, exercise regularly, and follow good sleep patterns.

  1. Warmth is Life

The food is considered as an energy we consume in order  to survive.  Fruits and veggies which grow in the summer cool the body, allowing it to adjust to the summer heat. On the other hand, the foods which grow in the winter are higher in calories and keep our bodies warm during the cold, winter days. Even though raw fruits, veggies, and greens are very important when it comes to a healthy diet, the body still needs warmer foods once in a while. Therefore, you should eat a nutritious diet to supply your body with all the nutrients it needs.


3. Avoid Drinking Liquids During Your Meal

Japanese believe that drinking water or any other liquid during the meal affects digestion negatively so they don’t do it. What is the explanation?

The liquid cools the body and takes away the warmth of the body. According to research water neutralizes the stomach acid, which in turn forces the body to spend more energy to finish the digestion. You can supply your body with liquid through food as well, such as fruits, veggies, and soups.

  1. A Hot Bath Prolongs Your Life

A hot bath improves the blood circulation, relaxes the body, and it reduces stress and it is extremely beneficial for our overall health. A lot of Japanese claim that taking a hot bath regularly cleanses the skin, improves digestion and it prolongs life. The ideal 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit is believed to be the ideal temperature.

According to World Health Organization`s report on the longest lifespan Japan is on top, so it seems that Japanese are doing it right.


Source: healthylifevision.com

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