9 Vegetables You Can Buy Once And Regrow Forever!
Everyday we throw heaps of leftovers and scraps out which could actually be used to regrow fruits, vegetables and herbs completely free of charge.
Below are 9 vegetables you can buy once and regrow forever…
The following 9 vegetables are extremely easy to grow and this is how to regrow them and have them in unlimited supplies:
Asparagus is a vegetable that grows in early spring. In order to mature, the seeds need a couple of years. You can get faster results if you choose to regrow asparagus crowns. Be careful though, if asparagus is waterlogged it will rot.
Have you known the fact that if you use garlic cloves to regrow sprouts, one little garlic clove can give you more than 10 garlic cloves?
As soon as they sprout, place them in a glass with some water, and keep the glass on the windowsill, or outside. Replant the sprouts as soon as they reach a couple of inches.
Use a larger pot and fertile soil, and after a few days, the first leaves will appear. Pick the garlic when the leaves are brown and start falling.
Garlic is a very healthy vegetable and you can use it in different meals and salads.
First off, a word of caution; when we say you can grow carrots from carrots, we mean the plant, not the root vegetable. The orange, kid-friendly vegetable is actually a taproot and once removed from the plant, it can’t regrow.
There are three different ways to grow carrot tops from carrots. We’ll present you the Water Method . Cut the top from a grocery store carrot. You’ll need about one inch of the root. Stick a toothpick into either side of the carrot stump and balance it on top of a small glass. Use an old juice glass for this since you’ll probably end up with mineral stains.
Fill the glass with water up to and barely touching the bottom edge of the stump. Set the glass in a light, but not sunny window. Add water to keep it touching the edge and watch the roots sprout. You’re growing carrots from carrots in a glass!
Sweet potato
Place the sweet potato in a jar of water. You want to submerse most of the sweet potato while allowing a couple inches above water. Change the water occasionally to keep from molding.
Place in sunlight. Soon the sweet potato will send out sprouts, or slips.
When the sprouts are four to five inches long, pull them off the sweet potato. The sweet potato will grow more sprouts.
Place the sprouts in water. You can place a bunch of sprouts in the same jar. They will quickly grow roots.
When the sprout is well rooted, plant in a hill of soil about ten inches high. Wait until the soil is warm. In our area, this is in June
Romaine Lettuce:
You can grow your new lettuce from the bottom of a lettuce head. Place stumps of it in a half inch of water, and when you notice the first new roots and leaves, replant it into the garden or in a pot with soil. Its leaves might grow up to twice the size.
The same method can be used to regrow cabbages.
Use the celery bottoms to regrow the new vegetables. Cut off the base, and place it in a shallow bowl or saucer in the sun, and in the middle of the base, you will soon notice the leaves. After 3 days, replant them in soil.
Put the stems of cilantro in a glass of water, and the new ones will grow soon. When they become longer, transfer them into a pot with soil, and keep the pot in a room with ample lighting. Expect the new plants in a couple of months.
You need basil clippings with stems of 3-4 inches and put them in a glass of water. The glass should be exposed to a direct sunlight, and as soon as the roots become 2 inches long, plant them in pots. Water the basil regularly for it not to be too slimy.
How to regrow onions? It is very simple. First, you need a planting vessel: you can use plastic bottles
Next, you need to remove the neck of the bottle then cut holes around it. You can use a scissor or a heated metal tool to make the holes. Make sure the holes are just the right for the onion bulbs.
Cut the bottle and fill the bottle with layers of onion sprouts and soil.
Keep adding layers until you reach the top of the container. Water it and set it on your windowsill.
So you’ve read about all the things you can do to grow your own vegetables. Not only can you save money, but also reduce your carbon footprint. With grocery prices increasing, now is the best time to get frugal in the kitchen and garden.
If you decide to grow your vegetables at home, your body, family, and wallet will be forever grateful!