Annoying and gross looking, blackheads occur when the pores of the skin become clogged with excess sebum (oil) and dead skin cells. They are not caused by dirt.
The most popular way of removing blackheads are the pricey cleaning stripes that are supposed to put out the blackheads or the new so called black mask that is nothing but a marketing trick. However, blackheads can further irritate the skin and the process can be really painful.
If you have skin that is prone to blackheads and want to get rid of them fast and painless there is an easy DIY effective pack:
You only need these ingredients :
- Small bowl and spoon for mixing
- Mint toothpaste – any kind
- Ice cubes.
- Salt
- Take a bowl and put 2 tablespoons of the toothpaste
- Add 1 tablespoon of salt and mix well
- Wet your face and apply the paste on the affected area (ex: nose or chin)
- Let the paste work its magic for 5-10 minutes (during this time you will feel a tingling sensation, but that’s normal)
- 10 minutes later wet your fingers and gently massage the area using two fingers in circular motion. Don’t do this energetically but do it gentle and slowly.
- The last step is to rinse your face using warm water
- In order to close the facial pores take an ice cube and rub it into your face- this will prevent the entry of dirt.
Some Quick Tips:
- Be careful of the skin around the eyes. Do not apply this mixture close to eye area as the vapors of mint toothpaste can cause irritation to eyes.
- At first The nose can become red , but it’s normal. If you have dry skin, hydrate it thoroughly.
- Wash your face thoroughly after finishing the procedure to get rid of the paste.
- In the end, close the pores by rubbing ice into your skin.