DIY: How to Clear Your Sinuses in Seconds Using Nothing But Your Fingers

It can get quite annoying when your nose is stuffy. This state  signifies  that the blood vessels in the sinuses are inflamed. There are several reasons which can cause clogged nose, such as allergies, sinus infection, cold, and flu.

Fortunately, this unbearable condition can be easily solved. We present you 3 methods which will relieve the sinus pain and unclog your nose.

1.Use the Tongue and Press Between Eyebrows

This technique can remove the excessive mucus, which blocks the sinuses. The acupressure is a technique which uses pressing on certain points to eliminate mucus and improve the breathing. In order to clear your sinuses, you should:

  • Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth, while at the same time you are applying pressure on the area between your eyebrows using your finger.
  • Keep it like this for at least 20 seconds.

After you loosen your tongue and release your finger, you’ll feel an immediate relief

2. Apply Pressure Across Your Eyebrows

  • In the case of blocked forehead sinuses, you should act differently in order to clear the upper sinuses and the nose.
  • The popular massage therapist Amber Lynn Vitale claims that the application of pressure across the eyebrows leads to mucus movement. Place the fingers at the beginning of each eyebrow, close to the central point in between, lean the head forward, resting on the elbows.
  • As soon as the pressure shifts after a few seconds, you should slide the fingers to the eyebrows’ middle. Hold thus until you feel relief.
  • Then, slide the fingers to the end of the eyebrows, and either hold to press for a few seconds or move them in a circular motion to stimulate the mucus movement through the forehead. As soon as this happens, the pressure in the center of your head will disappear.

3. A Mini-Massage

  • Massages are undeniable an excellent treatment which provides numerous health benefits. Massages trigger the blood flow and thus enhance circulation, and the supply or oxygen and other essential nutrients to the body tissues.
  • Therefore, you will benefit a lot from a mini-massage on the sinus area on the head. The massage therapist Heather Wibbels suggest several quick rubs in order to get rid of the pressure and mucus accumulated in the sinuses.
  • You should press against the notch of your collarbone firmly and in a repeated manner with the tips of your fingers, to stimulate the flow of the mucus. You should feel like you are clearing your throat. Your ears will open up when the pressure is reduced.
  • Another way to drain the accumulated fluid and clear up the sinuses is to cross the hands in order to make a V shape, and pump on the neck sides to stimulate the movement of the lymph fluid. The results are due to the suction that occurs in the lymphatic system.
  • All of these acupressure techniques are effective and successfully unblock the sinuses in a completely natural way, without the use of medicines.
  • The application of a slight pressure on the right points relieves the pain and pressure in the sinuses, and help you drain the fluid that is the reason for the blockage that causes the discomfort.


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