This Juice Eliminates Mucus From Your Lungs and Boosts Your Immune System

The mouth, nose, sinuses, lungs, gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the throat all contain tissues which produce mucus. The mucus that is created, works in order to protect the surfaces of these parts of the body and in that way they prevent the tissues underneath them from becoming dried out.

The mucus also works to prevent the body from becoming infected from viruses, bacteria and some other germs. When something enters our body with the intention of making an individual sick, the mucus has the function to trap the foreign pathogen and to prevent it from entering in the body and infiltrating the immunity. In other words, the mucus prevents illnesses.

You are perhaps not familiar, but the gross, gooey and green stuff which seems to be produced by the boat load when you are sick, actually works to help you. The mucus contains antibodies, enzymes, protein and cells. All of these things are good for the body, especially when it is sick. When you are a sick, you can probably notice an increased production of mucus. This happens because the mucus is being produced at a greater rate, in order to help you fight off your illness. Our body creates mucus constantly: however, it cannot be noticed most of the time, as it is usually thin in consistency and thus slides down the back of your throat, so you will never ever know that it was there.

There are also periods when the mucus will change in consistency, and it is during these periods that you will notice its production, and all you will want to do is to get rid of it.

As we already mentioned, the mucus gets thicker and stickier when we are sick, which is why we often blow our nose, and hock back ‘loogies’ when we have a cold, a sinus infection or the flu.

It can also change consistency when your body is affected by an allergen and it is trying to protect your body from the allergen. Believe it or not, there are also certain foods that can cause you to produce more mucus. If you want to minimize the amount of mucus your body creates, you’ll want to avoid these five foods:

  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Red meat that has a high fat content
  • Alcohol
  • Gluten
  • Refined sugar

These foods are known to activate the gustatory rhinitis, which speed up the production of mucus and can make you feel miserable.

If  you still have mucus in your throat after giving up all these foods, and you often feel the need to have to clear the throat, it could be a sign of an allergy to some other foods that you’re eating.


This juice recipe helps to reduce excessive production of mucus and catarrh. Just clean, cut, and put all these ingredients through your juicer.


  • 8 carrots
  • 2 green apples
  • 1-inch ginger root


  • Juice!
  • Drink!

This simple juice is also excellent for reducing sinusitis.

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